The Flipper

Most of us are familiar with ‘The Flipper’. Its behavior catches our eye, which is part of its flaw – poor guy. It’s distracting, taking attention away from its kit companions. And, if it doesn’t have what some refer to as “heart”, it can become a frustrating part of training a young kit. As the term suggests, it flips (a single backward somersault) very frequently and does so for a significant amount of the time it spends in flight. Read More

Champions Galore

After almost a 10 year absence from the hobby, I delved back in, and everyone active on social media seems to own not one but several champion Birmingham Rollers. I might be exaggerating however Super Star, Super Producer and numerous other adjectives are thrown out with more ease and generally attract less criticism than before. That’s great. Really.  Read More

Performance Captured On Video

One would agree with the notion that you have to see a Birmingham Roller perform in person to get a sense of what drives this hobby and its fanciers. Describing the performance isn’t complex but the description does it no justice. Photography and video have seldom helped in this regard; it’s technically difficult to capture performance with a typical video recorder or camera. There are however a handful of videos that one can look to if needed.  Read More